One of our favorite TED Talks was given by Simon Sinek in 2009, in which he talked about how successful companies and leaders approach positioning of their ideas and products for success. Based on extensive research, Mr. Sinek details what he refers to as the “Golden Circle” which simply demonstrates this positioning. His research shows that most people and companies can discuss the “what” behind their idea or product and generally the “how” as well. But what most leaders or companies don’t or can’t do is to discuss the “WHY”.
People identify with “why” according to Mr. Sinek. So when we set about creating imbue botanicals, we wanted to make sure we absolutely could express our “WHY”! And we can…
But there is more than just asking “why”… to really understand, you’ve got to ask it again and again... and be honest and take time to think…only then do you really get to the heart of the matter. This isn’t just important on a company level, but on each and every individual in the company, from CEO to beginning sales people to support staff. There are many ways you can find to get to the heart of something. Some people use the “shotgun” approach, saying the first thing that comes to mind when answering the question, then going back and analyzing why they responded the way they did. Others use slow and steady analysis from the get-go. Whichever works for you is great. Just ask the questions. But beware, the more you ask, the deeper you go, the more that emotions play a big part, which lead to core values and beliefs.
At imbue botanicals, we truly believe that centuries-old botanicals can have a profound impact in improving our lives, and those of our pets. And this belief serves not only as our founding principle, but provides the guidance each and every day for how we grow, develop, process and distribute our product. Our goal is simple…we want to make the World a better place through hemp. Great “why” answer… but… Why do we want to do this? Why is it important to us? Why now?
The three founding members all have different but similar reason for starting the company. Many of you have similar reasons for joining. Some have entirely different reasons. For instance let’s take Paul for an example:
Why are you a part of Imbue Botanicals?
“Because Tom dragged me into it! Ok, there is that… but there are different reasons as well. I want to help people live a better life through health.”
“Because I believe nothing impacts someone life more than a healthy body, a healthy mind and a healthy soul and I have a deep compassion for people (and animals) who suffer”
Where does this compassion come from?
“Seeing my mom suffer so much with health, and seeing standard medicine not knowing how to help. Knowing that if we would have had options like Imbue provides, it may have helped, both in prevention and management of issues. I get mad sometimes that there were options out there we never tried because we didn’t know about them.”
Let’s go one step deeper. Why do you get angry?
“Because it hurt us all. Physically for her, but for the entire family we had something robbed from us. Time. Quality time. Actual Time. We will never get it back.”
So let’s go back to the beginning. Why Imbue?
“Imbue is here for those who know... That’s why it is our tag line. But “I” am here for those who don’t know… to educate, to provide support, to encourage, to do what I can to make sure people and animals aren’t robbed… of time.”
Thank you Paul for allowing us to use you as an example.
You can see how deep the ‘why’ can go if you are willing to take the steps. Knowing the ‘why’… the real why… will help drive, motivate, and direct you more than money or notoriety. Keep it pure and close to your heart.
In the past, we’ve created companies which impacted the financial lives of customers, or merely provided recreational outlets. But with imbue, we wanted to focus on the health of our customers, be they people or beloved pets. Because let’s face it, in this world nothing is more precious, more vital, more indispensable than helping to create better health and a better life.
And to that end, we produce, what we firmly believe is the best product out there to make our “WHY” a reality. And in talking to our customers and reading their comments, it’s working.
So whether you’re finding out about us for the first time, or you’re an ongoing loyal customer, we want to thank you for your support, and most important, for believing in the “WHY” behind everything we do.
Watch the video below and then answer the questions. Feel free to go deep. If you aren’t comfortable in going deep here, do it on your own. It can be hard, but worth it.